"A Better Understanding"

Hip Hop....what do many think when they hear the words hip hop? Many betray hip hop as a mind manipulating, and negative role model for every generation. For a lack of understanding, STOP LOOKING AT THE GLASS HALF EMPTY!, hip hop is far from manipulating. Hip hop is a voice for the voiceless, a helping hand in several situations, a example for many things, and so much more. In many of the artist defense, (such as Jay Z, 50 cent, P Diddy, David Banner and many more), all have respectfully gave a helping hand where help is needed. And thats more then I can say for the goverment. Many people only see bling bling, and fancy cars, and hear nothing but noise, when in actuallity those incentives are only there to help motivate our younger generation to be successful so they to can have what they desire. The so called noise is the voice for the voiceless. EVERY artist I know only speaks of the issues, excuse me, the many issues that are going own in so many communities today. We only choose to ignore them, because many have tried countless times before to give hip hop a bad name. To get very general, has hip hop not allowed a way out!? Given many people a dream, a way to speak on the truths they know. Hip Hop has done so much, not only in America, but for several other countries and people. What is your opinion(s)?

Monday, February 23, 2009


MUSIC TALKS, HIP HOP WALKS is a site to inform, and keep you up to date of the many things happening now in the hip hop industry. It will also provide you with interesting and helpful information that can expand and infest your knowledge of music and its works. The history, present and perhaps the future of hip hop will also be provided to all site servers!


As you may already know, T.I. is on the road to redemption. How do you feel about his new show? How well is T.I. taking hold of the situation? Is what the law deems as bad and illegal (T.I. and his guns), really as bad as it seems. What are your inputs on this?

Chris brown was accused of violent actions. Bite marks, bruises, a history of violent behavior. Whats really going on? Is Rihanna really the victim? Has the media dispersed all of the neccessary information to properly make accurate accusations? WHATS THE DEAL!!

Who do you believe is the greatest rapper ever?

Is hip hop dead?